Kenny Neighborhood Association
Kenny Neighborhood is one of 81 Minneapolis neighborhoods. Its most conspicuous boundaries are Lyndale Avenue, on the east, and Highway 62, on the south. It is a residential neighborhood comprised of 1700 homes, 96% of which are owner occupied. It is regarded by most Kenny neighbors, and Minneapolis residents, as a safe and stable neighborhood.
The Kenny Neighborhood Association (KNA) existed for many years as a loosely structured community group that organized a summer festival and published a newsletter. KNA received a big, organizational “shot in the arm” with the introduction of NRP (the Neighborhood Revitalization Program) to the neighborhood in 1994. Since this time, KNA has created bylaws, filed and been accepted as a non-profit, hired staff, prioritized neighborhood concerns and developed plans to address them, initiated a pollution prevention campaign concerning Grass Lake, and educated residents on community issues.
KNA Mission
The mission of KNA is to foster a welcoming, thriving community that is inclusive in all that it does. To that end, KNA will encourage and support community involvement in the Kenny neighborhood; to stabilize and improve the residential, educational and economic status of the community; to function as a non-partisan, non-sectarian community action group keeping residents informed of proposals that affect the neighborhood; to coordinate and publicize activities in the community; to facilitate programs and projects to improve the neighborhood; and to represent the Kenny neighborhood before city boards, commissions, and other governmental entities.
KNA meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month (except August and December) at 7:00 p.m. at the Kenny Rec Center (1328 West 58th St) or you can join via Zoom – click the calendar for meeting information. Please email the KNA office at [email protected] or call the KNA office at 612-392-4477 with questions. These meetings are open to the public and your participation is welcome!
KNA meetings and events are accessible. Requests for accommodations are welcome. Please make requests at least 10 days in advance by calling 612-392-4477 or click here to send us a message.
Kenny Neighborhood Association
P.O. BOX 19593 • Minneapolis, MN 55419
Phone: 612-392-4477