Kenny Neighborhood is one of 83 Minneapolis neighborhoods. Its boundaries are West 54th Street to the north, Lyndale Avenue South and Highway 121 to the east, West 62nd Street to the south, and Logan Avenue South to the west. Kenny is a residential neighborhood with a population of 3,523 (2010), is comprised of 1700 homes, 96% of which are owner occupied. It is regarded by most Kenny neighbors, and Minneapolis residents, as a safe and stable neighborhood.


The Bachman family farm occupied much of Kenny south of 58th Street. This section of the neighborhood remained an open field until the early 1950’s, when the Bachman family moved their nursery out of the city. Today, the Kenny Neighborhood is largely residential with nearly 3,500 residents in 1,700 homes. The neighborhood also includes two churches and a number of businesses along Lyndale Avenue.

The center of Kenny Neighborhood is Kenny Park; a green space with a playground and wading pool, tennis courts, athletic fields and a park building. The park property originally housed a gravel pit. Sharing the site are Anthony Middle School and Kenny Community School (K-5).


The hidden-jewel of the Kenny neighborhood is Grass Lake, a 27-acre wetland located on the southern end of the neighborhood. The lake is home to a large variety of birds and water fowl and is a favorite walking destination.


The neighborhood prides itself on its low crime, active neighborhood association and multi-generational population. In addition, the neighborhood is within walking distance of a library, coffee shops, hardware store, grocery store, liquor store, auto mechanics, yoga studio, veterinarian and restaurants. Just blocks from Kenny’s north boarder is Minnehaha Creek, a beautiful place to walk, run, and bike.



Grass Lake

The hidden-jewel of the Kenny neighborhood is Grass Lake, a 27-acre wetland located on the southern end of the neighborhood. The lake is home to a large variety of birds and water fowl and is a favorite walking destination.

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